Thursday, December 8, 2016

Week 3 - Leadership Implementing Technology Innovation in the Classroom

Reflections:Reflect on how SAMR and/or TPACK model might help you in planning your DCL1 assessment
I think I will use the SAMR model R model when planning my assignment as this is something I have seen before and am more confident with.

This model will help me think about how I am using technology in the classroom and if it i just a substitute or aslight improvement. What I am really aiming for is to have it as a transformational tool where the children are able to share their ideas with others and create something for aspecific audience. At the moment I feel Iam just at the Augmentation stage and am aiming to imporve this Notes:


The SAMR model was developed by Ruben Puentedura and disseminated through Apple education initiatives. It is a very simple layered model of ways that technology can be integrated into teaching and learning. For further information see Puentedura's Weblog and the TKI page on Using the SAMR model. Mark Anderson provides a very similar 4 layer model that focuses more on teacher confidence in delivering digital learning

TPACKTechnological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. TPACK is a framework developed by Punya Mishra and Matthew Koehler that identifies the knowledge teachers need to teach effectively with technology.The TPACK framework is somewhat more academic that SAMR and extends Shulman’s idea of Pedagogical Content Knowledge.

Digital Technology – Safe and responsible use in schools. A Guide for SchoolsDigital challenges can be broadly categorised as:
• Cybersafety: Involves conduct or behavioural concerns. Examples include cyberbullying, smear campaigns, accessing inappropriate content, creating spoof websites or sexting.
• Cybercrime: Involves illegal activity. Examples include sexual offending, accessing objectionable content or online fraud.
• Cybersecurity: Involves unauthorised access or attacks on a computer system.

In general, preventative approaches that rely on technical or other protections simply do not work. These methods have a role but must be balanced with strategies that promote:
• development of skills and knowledge for safe and responsible use of digital technology
• opportunities for students to be involved in decisions about the management of digital technology at the school
• development of a pro-social culture of digital technology use, and
• cooperation of the whole community in preventing and responding to incidents.

Digital information is different from its physical counterpart in many ways. It can be rapidly duplicated, easily distributed and is able to be stored in multiple locations.These factors mean that it can be hard to control and completely eliminate.

Prevention Preventing incidents involving digital technology is better than having to respond to them. In general, prevention approaches that rely on technical protections, such as content filtering or activity logging, simply do not work. An effective prevention strategy is comprised of activities that are:
• promotional: guiding young people’s learning in the digital world, and• protective: mitigating or buffering risk by protection, support or intervention.1
When things go wrong, the objective is to respond in a way that:
• minimises student distress or harm• maintains student and staff safety i.e. does not make things worse.
There are two guiding principles for responding to incidents that schools need to consider:
• Focus more on the behaviour involved in an incident, and less on the digital technology
• Always act in a way that maintains the integrity of digital devices and the information stored on them.

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