Thursday, March 23, 2017

Week 7 - Leadership Online and distributed learning

Leading Online Discussions (MindEdge Learning Workshop, 2014). Set guidelines
Make connections
Challenge students to think critically
Encourage participation
Praise discussion posts
Guide conversations back to the question at hand
Use real world experiences
Hesitate before interjecting

Why Use Twitter Encourages brevity
Identifies the tweeter
Allows replies and hashtags
Integrates with other tools (e.g. Tagboard, Pocket, Buffer, feedly)
Supports weblinks
Mobile App available

Distributed LeadershipDistributed leadership acknowledges that the work of leading and managing schools involves multiple individuals – not just those with formally designated leadership and management positions but also individuals without such designations. It is primarily concerned with the practice of leadership rather than specific leadership roles or responsibilities. It equates with shared, collective and extended leadership practice that builds the capacity for change and improvement.

Distributed leadership means mobilising leadership in order to generate more opportunities for change and to build the capacity for improvement. It is ‘leadership by expertise’ rather than leadership by role or years of experience. Genuine distributed leadership requires high levels of trust, transparency and mutual respect.

Distributed leadership is about collective influence and is a contributor to school success and improved performance- it is not an accidental by-product of high performing organisations. Individuals are accountable and responsible for their leadership actions; collaborative teamwork is the modus operandi and inter-dependent working is a cultural norm. (Hargreaves, Boyle & Harris, 2014).
Expertise not position
Distributed accountability
Distribution is non permanent
Changing roles and responsibilities
Leadership as practice

A strong correlation has been found between the building of leadership capacity for learning and teaching through distributed leadership and the increased engagement in both learning and teaching.

Because digital technology is multifaceted, it opens itself up to involvement from a variety of people and groups with different roles and responsibilities causing distributed leadership across time.

Collaboration in a digital technology setting is the purposeful joining of people in an online environment that enables relevant problems to be tested and validated through constructed knowledge.

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