Friday, March 24, 2017

Assignment 1 Digital and Collaborative Learning

20% Identify and analyse the 21st Century skill and/or Key Competency / He Tikanga Whakaaro related area for improvement based on a critical reflection of your practice, considering the viewpoints of the main stakeholders
30% Explain what pedagogical outcomes you hope to achieve by addressing your identified problems / challenges, using supporting evidence (e.g. research literature, policies/guidelines, current practice, quantitative/qualitative data etc.)
10% Use and present suitably cited and referenced source material in APA format, including peer reviewed journals
10% Deliver and present content effectively, considering structure, narrative and presence. Include reflections on your learning.

IDENTIFY AND ANALYSE THE AREA FOR IMPROVEMENT: You have analysed a problem area for improvement, informed by a critique of relevant aspects of practice, skills and competencies. The importance of the area of improvement is future focused and considers different stakeholders.
PROPOSE A PLAN FOR AN INNOVATION: You have analysed a plan that relates characteristics to specific requirements identified in the area for improvement. You have considered alternatives.
EXPLAIN PEDAGOGICAL OUTCOMES: The choice and design of the desired pedagogical outcomes is inforned by relevant evidence from more than one source.
SOURCE MATERIAL: You have provided a good list of references that are cited and discussed.
PRESENTATION AND REFLECTION: Your presentation is well-argued with a narrative structure that relates themes together and explains what has been learned.
Feedback/forward: Thank you for your submission! You identified collaboration as your area for improvement, presented your plan/alternatives and discussed the pedagogical outcomes. Also, well done on reflecting on your current practice and your learning! In order to take your Digital 2/Leadership assignments to the next level you could try to show a more critical approach throughout your video/essay, e.g. by highlighting the limitations in your approach and by debating with your sources. But well done for this excellent video!30% Propose a plan for a digital and collaborative innovation and explain how it addresses the identified area for improvement, compared with alternative approaches

1 comment:

  1. Great assessment. Clear and easy to follow. Thank you for sharing.
